When it comes to fertilizing your lawn, there are two popular options that you have to choose from: synthetic fertilizers and organic fertilizers. If you're trying to decide between these two options, you're likely wondering if the organic option is worth it, as this type of treatment isn't quite as popular. Well, the answer to that question is a resounding "yes"! Organic fertilizers aren't only worth it, they are the better option! That's because these types of fertilizer treatments are better for the environment because they don't contain a ton of chemicals and they can reduce pollution in nearby waterways. They also help improve soil structure and allow for better nutrient uptake which is great for your turf in Minnesota. What's more, these fertilizers won't harm pets or children, and they also won't harm any beneficial pollinators like bees and butterflies!
Organic-based lawn fertilizers don't contain harsh chemicals and can reduce pollution in nearby waterways.
One big reason why organic-based lawn fertilizers are worth it is because they don't contain a ton of harsh chemicals. Many synthetic fertilizers contain chemicals that can be detrimental to the environment. While these chemicals may be helpful when it comes to feeding your lawn nutrients, it's not worth the trouble they cause for the environment. What's more, if synthetic fertilizers seep into nearby waterways, they can pollute them. When it comes to organic fertilizers, you can reap all of the benefits that they offer without the negative environmental consequences that are associated with the harsh chemicals that synthetic fertilizers contain.
Liquid fertilization treatments are less likely to run off into waterways!
Organic-based lawn fertilizers help improve soil structure and allow for better nutrient uptake.
Another reason why organic-based lawn fertilizers are worth it is because they improve the soil structure and allow for better nutrient uptake. This type of fertilizer can make the soil more porous and less compact. This allows water, air, and sunlight to flow through it easier and reach the roots of your grass, plus aids in retaining moisture better so you won't need to water as much. Nutrient uptake is also improved since nutrients can easily find their way to the roots of your grass.
Organic-based fertilizers are safer for children, pets, and pollinators than synthetic ones.
One of the best things about organic-based fertilizers is that they are safer for children, pets, and pollinators than synthetic ones. Synthetic fertilizers often contain harmful chemicals that can have negative effects on your children or pets. Organic-based fertilizers don't pose those kinds of risks because they don't contain most of those harsh chemicals that synthetic fertilizers do. What's more, organic-based fertilizers won't hurt pollinators like bees and butterflies, which makes them ideal for anyone who has an interest in helping keep our ecosystem healthy.
Give us a call today to sign up for one of our organic-based fertilization programs!
If you want to take advantage of all the benefits organic-based fertilizers offer without worrying about harming your loved ones or the environment - then we have just what you need! At LawnCrafters, we offer an organic-based lawn care program that includes both fertilization and weed control treatments. We offer a Gold Program and a Platinum Program, so you can pick the option that works best for you. We offer these programs to residential and commercial property owners, as well as HOAs, in the Mankato, MN, area, including surrounding areas like North Mankato and St. Peter. Call us at (507) 414-8393 to sign up for our organic-based fertilization program and get started on growing a beautiful, green lawn today! We look forward to working with you soon!
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