Grubs are a common issue in Minnesota, and they can cause extensive damage to your lawn if left unchecked. If you suspect that grubs have infested your lawn, you should contact a professional lawn care company as soon as possible so they can apply curative treatments to eliminate them. Once the grubs have been dealt with, it's time to help your lawn recover from any damage. You should schedule lawn care services such as lawn fertilization, aeration, and overseeding to restore your turf to its full health. However, next year, be sure to schedule preventative grub control treatments to keep these pests from causing trouble again.
What should you do if grubs are destroying your lawn?
If grubs have infested your lawn, there is only one thing that you should do: contact a professional lawn care company right away to schedule a curative grub control treatment. These treatments will target the grubs and eliminate them before they have a chance to inflict more damage on your grass. Without these treatments, grubs could continue feeding on the roots of your grass and cause significant harm to your lawn. It's best to take care of this problem as soon as possible so you can focus on helping your lawn recover.
Some signs your lawn is infested with grubs include brown patches on your lawn, your lawn feeling spongey when you walk on it, and an increased animal presence on it.
How can you help your lawn recover after grubs have destroyed it?
While curative grub control treatments can eliminate a current grub infestation, they can't reverse any damage that's already been done. Fortunately, there are several lawn care services you can schedule to help your turf recover from grub damage, including:
- Lawn Fertilization: Fertilization treatments provide your grass with essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to give it the boost it needs to recover from grub damage and encourage healthy growth.
- Core Aeration: Aerating your lawn helps open channels for nutrients and resources to reach the roots of your grass. With improved access to everything it needs, your lawn can recover from grub damage faster.
- Overseeding: Overseeding involves spreading grass seeds across your lawn to thicken up your turf and fill in any bare or patchy areas caused by grub damage.
Make sure to schedule preventative grub control treatments next year!
When dealing with grubs, prevention is always better than cure. If grubs infested your lawn this year, there's a good chance that they will be back next year as well. That's why you should schedule preventative grub control treatments next year. Preventative treatments are designed to stop grubs from wreaking havoc on your lawn in the first place. Professionals will apply these treatments during the peak grub season here in Minnesota to ensure the treatments are effective against newly hatched grubs. By taking proactive measures against grubs, you can keep them from becoming a problem in the first place and save yourself the hassle of having to deal with their destructive behavior.
Give us a call today to schedule our grub control service.
At LawnCrafters, we offer curative grub control treatments to eliminate an existing infestation on your property. We also offer preventative grub control treatments to prevent these pests from causing problems in the first place. What's more, we also offer several lawn care services that you can schedule to help your lawn recover from any grub-related damage.
We offer our grub control service to residential and commercial properties, as well as HOAs, in Mankato, North Mankato, St. Peter, MN, and throughout the surrounding areas. Give us a call at (507) 414-8393 to schedule our grub control service today!
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